The shee are one of the nine major Arak races.[1] Serving under their leader, Queen Maeve, the shee show mastery over the Seelie Court.[2] As the most inclined and skilled of the Arak in the performing arts, the shee make for excellent singers, poets, musicians, storytellers, and other entertainers of all kinds.[2][3] Yet beyond these talents, the shee hold highly important duties as historians and loremasters of the Arak people. As such, they can be veritable fonts of information regarding the Shadow Rift or any of the adjacent domains.[2]
Like the other arak, the shee dwell within the Shadow Rift, where they make up about four percent of the population.[4] Of the Arak communities, the sith mostly live in Esmerth, where they make up the majority of the population[5]. Beyond the Shadow Rift, shee can also be encountered in the following domains: Borca[6], Falkovnia[7], and Tepest[8]
Shee can assume the forms of any normal bird, though they usually prefer the forms of songbirds, swans, or other beautiful avians.[2][9] The shee can also use Alter Self as a spell-like ability.[3] Despite their transformation abilities, the shee do not have the Shapechanger Subtype[3].
The shee do their best evade or preempt combat, though they are proficient in sword and bow.[2][3]. They have some spellcasting abilities equivalent to those of bards[9], showing particular affinity for enchantment spells.[2] In war or in other occasions of concentrated Arak battle operations, shee lend their bardic abilities to assist the combatant forces of the muryan. In such situations, shee are deferential to the tactical decisions of the muryan.[10]
Shee demonstrate a physical resiliency against weapons, save for those made of lead or of sufficient magical strength to harm them.[2][3] They also enjoy total immunity to heat and fire as well as weapons made of stone. However, shee possess the universal shadow fey vulnerability to sunlight.[2][9]
Of the shadow fey, the shee like mortal humanoids the most, sometimes entering romantic relationships with humans or even in rare circumstances entering marriage. Shee frequently traverse human realms seeking music and lore to bring home. Shee will seek to make the best storytellers they encounter into sheekin changelings.[2] The shee hold mortal imagination and ingenuity in high regard and therefore take steps to forestall attempts of their Unseelie Fey to conduct all-out war against the mortals.[12]
At least according to the Clockmaker, it is generally never the intention for a shee to slay a mortal with the exception of self-defense. However, the shee are nonchalant manipulators of humanoids.[13] 041b061a72