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Digital Visitor Counter Using 8051 Pdf Download

Digital Visitor Counter Using 8051 Microcontroller

A digital visitor counter is a device that counts the number of people entering or exiting a room, hall, auditorium, or any other place. It can be used for various purposes, such as monitoring the occupancy of a building, controlling the access to a restricted area, managing the energy consumption of lighting and ventilation systems, or collecting statistical data for analysis. A digital visitor counter can be implemented using different technologies, such as infrared sensors, ultrasonic sensors, pressure sensors, or cameras. However, one of the most common and cost-effective methods is to use an infrared sensor and a microcontroller.

An infrared sensor is a device that detects the presence of an object by emitting or receiving infrared radiation. Infrared radiation is a form of electromagnetic radiation that has a wavelength longer than visible light, but shorter than microwaves. Infrared sensors can be classified into two types: active and passive. Active infrared sensors emit infrared beams and measure the reflection or interruption of the beams by an object. Passive infrared sensors detect the infrared radiation emitted by an object, such as a human body, which has a different temperature than the surrounding environment.


A microcontroller is a small computer that can be programmed to perform specific tasks. It consists of a central processing unit (CPU), memory, input/output (I/O) ports, and other peripherals. A microcontroller can communicate with external devices, such as sensors, displays, keyboards, or motors, through its I/O ports. A microcontroller can be programmed using different languages, such as assembly, C, or BASIC. One of the most popular microcontrollers for hobbyists and students is the 8051 microcontroller.

The 8051 microcontroller is an 8-bit microcontroller that was developed by Intel in 1980. It has 4 KB of ROM (read-only memory), 128 bytes of RAM (random-access memory), 32 I/O pins, two 16-bit timers/counters, one serial port, and six interrupt sources. The 8051 microcontroller can be programmed using an external programmer or an in-system programmer. The 8051 microcontroller can be used for various applications, such as robotics, automation, security systems, or games.

How to Make a Digital Visitor Counter Using 8051 Microcontroller and IR Sensor

In this section, we will explain how to make a simple digital visitor counter using an 8051 microcontroller and an IR sensor. The circuit diagram and the code are based on the project report by Naveen Reddy. The circuit diagram is shown below:

The components required for this project are:

  • An 8051 microcontroller (AT89C51)

  • An IR transmitter and receiver pair

  • A 16x2 LCD display

  • A 10 KΩ potentiometer

  • A 7805 voltage regulator

  • A 9 V battery

  • Some resistors and capacitors

  • Some connecting wires

The working principle of this project is as follows:

  • The IR transmitter emits infrared beams continuously.

  • The IR receiver detects the infrared beams and sends a signal to the microcontroller.

  • When a person enters or exits the room, he or she interrupts the infrared beams.

  • The microcontroller counts the number of interruptions and displays it on the LCD.

  • The microcontroller also determines the direction of movement (entry or exit) by comparing the signals from two IR receivers placed at different positions.

  • The microcontroller updates the LCD accordingly.

The code for this project is written in assembly language and can be downloaded from [here]. The code performs the following tasks:

  • It initializes the LCD and displays "Visitor Counter" on the first line.

  • It sets the initial count to zero and displays it on the second line.

  • It configures the I/O ports for interfacing with the IR sensors.

  • It enables the external interrupts and sets the interrupt service routines.

  • It checks the status of the IR sensors and increments or decrements the count accordingly.

  • It displays the updated count on the LCD.

  • It repeats the steps 5 and 6 until the power is turned off.

Advantages and Applications of Digital Visitor Counter

A digital visitor counter has several advantages over a manual visitor counter, such as:

  • It is more accurate and reliable, as it eliminates human errors and biases.

  • It is more efficient and convenient, as it does not require human intervention or supervision.

  • It is more versatile and adaptable, as it can be customized for different purposes and settings.

  • It is more economical and eco-friendly, as it reduces the power consumption and waste generation.

A digital visitor counter can be used for various applications, such as:

  • Monitoring the occupancy of a building, such as a library, museum, theater, or hotel.

  • Controlling the access to a restricted area, such as a laboratory, warehouse, or vault.

  • Managing the energy consumption of lighting and ventilation systems, by adjusting them according to the number of visitors.

  • Collecting statistical data for analysis, such as the peak hours, average duration, or customer preferences.


In this article, we have learned how to make a digital visitor counter using an 8051 microcontroller and an IR sensor. We have also discussed the advantages and applications of a digital visitor counter. A digital visitor counter is a useful device that can be used for various purposes, such as monitoring, controlling, managing, or analyzing the number of visitors in a place. A digital visitor counter can be implemented using different technologies, such as infrared sensors, ultrasonic sensors, pressure sensors, or cameras. However, one of the most common and cost-effective methods is to use an infrared sensor and a microcontroller. The 8051 microcontroller is one of the most popular microcontrollers for hobbyists and students, as it is easy to program and interface with external devices. We hope that this article has inspired you to make your own digital visitor counter using an 8051 microcontroller and an IR sensor.


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