Where Can I Buy Hershey's Mini Kisses
I am surprised you actually gave Breyer's a decent review despite your negative feelings towards Frozen Dairy Dessert. This MUST be a decent product if you liked it! Could you taste the caramel in the mini kisses or was it more just like a milk chocolate Hershey's kiss?
where can i buy hershey's mini kisses
The iconic Hershey's(r) Kisses(r) candy is crafted in a miniature size so it can easily be used in a favorite recipe, top a dessert or eaten on its own as a snack - no unwrapping required. Kisses milk chocolate is a popular part of recipes from peanut butter blossom cookies to pretzel kisses. Its instantly recognizable shape will stand out in your toppings bar or in your bulk bins. 041b061a72